Nicola Hackl-Haslinger is an Austrian artist. Her photographs are represented nationally and internationally. The work is in the permanent collections of the Nordico Museum Linz, Museum Angerlehner Thalheim, Gallery of Modern Art Klosterneuburg, Schlossmuseum Linz - The Collection for Modern and Contemporary Art, Museum Haus der Natur – Vega Observatory Salzburg, Art Collection of Upper Austria, Anton Bruckner Private University Linz, ESA - European Space Agency Paris, and the Library of Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz. Nicola Hackl-Haslinger was also nominated for the Peace Award St. Leopold in 2016 and 2018. She worked in collaboration with composer and pianist Volker Bertelmann aka Hauschka in 2017 and 2019, who was nominated for the Oscar and the Golden Globe Awards for the movie “Lion”. In 2019, she formed an ongoing creative partnership with composer and 3D artist Peter Manhartsberger under the name albapura. Another collaboration is with author Barbara Bullock-Wilson. “Swan – A True Life Fairy Tale” is the first of several illustrated stories they hope to work on together.
Her passion for photography started at a quite early age. She was about five years, when she was given her first Agfamatic camera. It was during her schooldays at the HBLA für Künstlerische Gestaltung when she started taking photos with a reflex camera and developing them in the darkroom. After her high school diploma she received training as a designer of jewelry, and in 1999 she was awarded the “Künstlerpunze” (artist`s hallmark). Alongside her work as a self-employed goldsmith she started further training at the Prager Fotoschule Österreich. In 2011 she graduated with honors. She lives and works in Gramastetten, Austria.

© Peter Manhartsberger
Artist Statement
“I am trying to get to the bottom of things, not only technically, but also in a psychological and symbolic sense. I take an observer’s position and I try to document latent moods and secret moments in low-key colours and formal exactness. Moreover, I am striving to create an atmosphere of vagueness, somehow linking what is inside with the exterior, a process of unveiling and bringing something to light! A recurring motif is the presentation of innermost states, both with regard to the intellect but also to emotions. The photographs challenge the beholder to look closer and, work out the different layers, each one telling their own stories. I try to invite the beholder to stand still and linger over what he sees and maybe, apart from the space that is provided for individual interpretation, also find a moment of peace and harmony in this fast-paced time! This is maybe also the reason why my favorite piece of equipment is my wonderful copper printing press dating from 1900!
One eye of the photographer looks wide open through the viewfinder, the other, the closed, looks into his own soul.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
- 2023 “Neues aus der Sammlung”, Die Kunstsammlung des Landes OÖ, Linz, Austria
July 14 - Sep 29, 2023 - 2023 “Glitch in the Matrix”, Analog Forever Magazine, Online Exhibition (juried by Michael Kirchoff)
Exhibitions / Art Fairs
- 2023 “Art of Illusion”, Analog Forever Magazine, Online Exhibition (juried by Lisa Topoz)
- 2022 “Reales und Imaginäres” - Galerie der Stadt Traun, Austria
- 2022 “Your Daily Photograph” (juried by Rebecca Solis), Duncan Miller Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
- 2022 “Time”, Analog Forever Magazine, Online Exhibition (juried by Michael Kirchoff)
- 2021/22 “Winter Solstice”, Griffin Museum Of Photography, Winchester, USA
- 2021 Art Fair “Kunstsalon 2021”, Galerie Paradigma, Schlossmuseum, Linz, Austria
- 2021 “Your Daily Photograph” (juried by Diana H. Bloomfield), Duncan Miller Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
- 2021 “Members´Juried Exhibition” (juried by Susan Burnstine), Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, USA
- 2020/21 “Winter Solstice”, Griffin Museum Of Photography, Winchester, USA
- 2020 “Phases of the Moon”, Galerie Atelier Drobny, Linz, Austria
- 2020 “Corona – It´s All About the Light”, Online Exhibition, Griffin Museum Of Photography, Winchester, USA
- 2019 “Members´Juried Exhibition” (juried by Connie and Jerry Rosenthal), Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, USA
- 2019 “10 Days”, Le Meridien Vienna artist´s space, Vienna, Austria
- 2019 “3”, Galerie in der Schmiede, Pasching, Austria
- 2018 “Depth of Field”, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, USA
- 2018 Peace Award “St. Leopold”, Galerie der Moderne, Klosterneuburg, Austria
- 2018 “Unique – Alternative Processes 2018” (juried by Diana Bloomfield), A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, USA
- 2018 “Beobachte 2″, Cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry (Avstrijski kulturni forum), Galerija Bala, Kranj, Slovenia
- 2018 Art Fair “Kunstsalon 2018″, Galerie in der Schmiede, OÖ Landesmuseum, Austria
- 2018 “Über die Fragilität der Dinge”, Fine Art Gallery, Traismauer, Austria
- 2017 Participation Anselm Glück, Galerie in der Schmiede, Pasching, Austria
- 2017 Charity Art Auction, Rotary Club Linz Süd, Linz, Austria
- 2017 “Kunst ist schlimmer als Heimweh”, Galerie Forum, Wels, Austria
- 2017 “Silentium”, Galerie Paradigma, Linz, Austria
- 2017 Art Fair “Kunstsalon 2017″, Galerie Paradigma, OÖ Landesmuseum, Austria
- 2017 “Blue is the New White”, Galerie Alen, Munich, Austria
- 2017 “Nexus”, K2 Galerie, Sierning, Austria
- 2017 Art Fair “ARTMUC”, Munich, Germany
- 2017 “Der Mensch”, Galerie der Moderne, Klosterneuburg, Austria
- 2017 “Der bestechende Zufall”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2017 “Nexus”, Jägermayrhof, Linz, Austria
- 2016 “Stand der Dinge”, Galerie Forum, Wels, Austria
- 2016 “Nexus”, Eyes On – European Month of Photography, brick-5, Vienna, Austria
- 2016 Charity Art Auction, Lionsclub Sierning-Steyrtal, Galerie K2, Sierning, Austria
- 2016 Participation Galerie in der Schmiede, Pasching, Austria
- 2016 “Curators Choice and Artist Tribute”, Wiener Kulturtage im 2. Bezirk, Vienna, Austria
- 2016 Peace Award “St. Leopold”, Galerie der Moderne, Klosterneuburg, Austria
- 2016 Art Fair “Kunstsalon 2016”, OÖ Landesmuseum, Austria
- 2016 Art Fair “ARTMUC”, Munich, Germany
- 2016 “bona fide – in gutem Glauben”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2016 “Der Titel tut nichts zur Sache”, Galerie Forum, Wels, Austria
- 2015 “Alfred Kubin”, Die Kunstschaffenden in cooperation with Landesgalerie, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2015 “radikal”, Galerie Forum, Wels, Austria
- 2015 “Generali Art Contest 24:25”, TipsArena, Linz, Austria
- 2015 “Generali Art Contest 24:25”, ORF OÖ, Austria
- 2015 Art Fair “Linzer Kunstsalon”, Galerie Forum, Landesgalerie Linz, Austria
- 2015 “Future Memories – Reconstruction of New Identities”, Venice Art House, Palazzo Ca´ Zanardi, Venice, Italy
- 2015 “Höhenrausch” – “Das Geheimnis der Vögel”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2015 “Exposed – Exploring the Roots”, Galerie Lumina, Vienna, Austria
- 2015 “Glaube Liebe Hoffnung”, Galerie Artmondial, Vienna, Austria
- 2014 “Konzentration”, Galerie Forum, Wels, Austria
- 2014 “Nachtgeschichten”, Eyes On – European Month of Photography, Galerie am Park, Vienna, Austria
- 2014 “Monat der Fotografie”, Galerie Artmondial, Vienna, Austria
- 2014 Festival “Next Comic”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2013 “Freiräume”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2013 “Die Neuen”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2012 “Neue Fotografie”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2012 “Rund um Wasser”, Nishnij Nowgorod, Russia
- 2012 “Venetian Surfaces”, Petrinum, Linz, Austria
- 2012 “Wandel”, Raum für Fotografie, Kefermarkt, Austria
- 2012 “Mensch 2.0”, Galerie Sonnensegel, Vienna, Austria
- 2005 “Acryl & Schmuck, GZ Ambulatorium, Graz, Austria
- 2005 “Bodenschätze”, GZ Ambulatorium, Graz, Austria
- 2002 “Rohm Tour”, Linz, Wien, Salzburg, Graz, Austria
- 2002 Award Catena 2002, Austria
- 2000 “Mythos Wasser”, Kulturzentrum Hof, Linz, Austria
- 1999 “Projekt Archive 1”, Schmuck und Malerei, El-Drobny, Linz, Austria
- 2022 Guest curator “”, Duncan Miller Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
- 2014 “Die Neuen”, Die Kunstschaffenden, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz, Austria
- 2022 ANALOG FOREVER MAGAZINE Online 1/2023 “Art of Illusion”
- 2022 ANALOG FOREVER MAGAZINE Online 8/2022 “Time”
- 2020 THE HAND, issue 30
- 2019 THE HAND, issue 23
- 2018 Kulturbericht 4/2018 Oberösterreich
- 2017 Charity Art Auction catalogue, Rotary Club Linz Süd
- 2016 Exhibition catalogue Die Kunstschaffenden
- 2015 Exhibition catalogue Die Kunstschaffenden
- 2015 Exhibition catalogue “Generali Art Contest 24:25”
- 2015 Exhibition catalogue “Exposed – Exploring The Roots”, Forum Focus
- 2014 Exhibition catalogue Die Kunstschaffenden
- 2013 Exhibition catalogue Die Kunstschaffenden
- 2012 Exhibition catalogue Die Kunstschaffenden
- 2012 Exhibition catalogue “Mensch 2.0”
- 2011 Book “C’est la vie”, self-publishing
- 2011 Book “Shigu Sei Gan”, self-publishing
- 2022 Art purchase of the Kunstsammlung des Landes Oberösterreich
- 2022 Art purchase of the City of Linz – Nordico Stadtmuseum
- 2021 Art Purchase of the Schlossmuseum Linz (OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH) within the framework of the Federal Government’s gallery promotion programme 2021
- 2018 Art purchase of the Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim
- 2017 Art purchase of the Kunstsammlung des Landes Oberösterreich
- 2017 Art purchase of the Galerie der Moderne Klosterneuburg
- 2014 Art purchase of the City of Linz – Nordico Stadtmuseum
- 2018 Nomination Peace Award „St. Leopold”, Klosterneuburg
- 2017 Rfotofolio Call (juried by David Carol, Willie Osterman, Barbara Bullock-Wilson), USA
- 2016 Nomination Peace Award “St. Leopold”, Klosterneuburg
- Künstlerhaus, Vienna
- Die Kunstschaffenden, Linz
- Galerie Forum, Wels
- Griffin Museum, Winchester MA
- Center for Photographic Art, Carmel CA